Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Santa Claus is coming to town...on a fire truck!

Hey, there!  Have you heard?  Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in Hadley on Saturday!  Here's the info from Hadley Park and Rec:

Hadley Park and Recreation presents
LUNCH with
Saturday, December 15th, 2012
From 12 – 1:30 p.m.
At the Hadley Elementary School
Come one come all and meet the fire truck that carries
Mr. & Mrs. Claus at the following times and locations:
9:30 Corner of Shattuck & Gooseberry Lane
9:40 Corner of Shattuck and Bayberry Lane
9:55 North Hadley Sugar Shack
10:20 Corner of Meadowbrook Drive & Mt. Warner Rd
10:35 Sunrise Drive
10:55 Corner of Spruce Hill and Arrowhead
11:15 Corner of Chmura Road & Laurel Drive
11:30 Barstow’s Longview Dairy Store
Then to the Hadley Elementary School
Get your picture taken with Santa!
(bring your own camera)
Food, drinks will be available at no cost
***Christmas Raffle at $1.00 per ticket***
A mailbox is available for children to write and send letters to Santa
at the Goodwin Library. Paper and envelopes provided.
All letters must be written by December 10th.

It's here!

Have you seen it yet?

The new preschool shed!

What do you think?  An improvement over the old one?  

I love that you can see a real Hadley barn in the background here - a perfect match for the mini-barn.

Leave a comment telling what's on the back of the barn and you'll be entered into a giveaway for a free Friends of Hadley Preschool t-shirt!  Giveaway closes 12/20/12 at 12 noon.  Good luck!